Build a Meaningful Connection with Your Partner this Valentine’s Day!

Build a Meaningful Connection with Your Partner this Valentine’s Day!

Across the world, February 14th has become a day dedicated to celebrating the love that binds two souls together and honoring the intricate partnerships that make us so uniquely human. 

More than any other, romantic partnerships challenge us to shatter our hard exteriors and reach into our heart space to tenderly offer up our vulnerabilities, experiences, and inner world that have shaped who we are. It is a violently arduous and frightening process because who wants to see those parts that even we don’t dare face? 

Despite it all, we brave the path anyway! We find that one person who holds our hand with the courage to walk the path of uncovering the depth of our souls while learning the depth of theirs. 

Valentine’s Day is the world’s offering to celebrate this incredible feat you’ve achieved with your partner. More than ever, in an environment where we so easily get trapped in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, this day is a calendar-ed opportunity to be intentional together! 

Amidst the chaos of everything around us, we can seek new levels of depth in our most cherished partnerships. 


How can we do that? 

It’s simple (easier said than done for sure) and easily accessible!

Talk to each other. 

Ask each other questions. 




This time, you can bypass the “how was your day today” type of conversation and instead, opt for the one where you ask about their hopes, dreams, and how they’ve evolved over the last few months. 

How did they feel like they showed up in the world today? 

Who or what inspired them? 

How are they evolving as a human being? 

Asking these curious, vulnerable questions is one of the most powerful ways to uncover more about your partner and deepen your connection. Your curiosity will demonstrate care and desire to know what goes on for them beneath the surface and offer up the space for them to reach into themselves and show you more of who they are; their experiences, thoughts, inspirations, desires, and struggles. 

On this Valentine’s Day, be inspired to take advantage of the time you have planned together to ask your partner these questions! To help guide your conversation, we’ve put together a group of 12 conversation-starting cards, with questions that are guaranteed to spark fun, meaningful conversations with your partner, and may even inspire you to journey further on the quest to seek depth. 



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Save the download for inspiration to explore your relationship anytime you want! Better yet, print it out, add some personal touches like a paper backing, some stickers and an envelope with a sweet message to add to your Valentine’s Day gift! There’s nothing better than a fun arts & crafts activity; Use the photos below for some creative inspo!




In addition to these Love & Connection cards, there are so many other ways you can choose to build more depth with your partner this Valentine’s Day. Here are a few ideas! 

  • Work on an art activity together. Pottery or paint-and-sip classes are a fun start! 
  • Try an activity that you’ve both never done before! Take a hike, go rock climbing, or see a ballet performance. 
  • Put the phones away and grab a game to play for an hour. 
  • Pull out a cherished family recipe and cook the meal together. 


After you take the printable cards to date night or try out any of the suggestions above, we’d love to hear what your experience was like! We love to hear stories from our community… here’s our email. 


We send all our love to you and your loved ones this Valentine’s Day season! 



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